5-Year Plan to Introduce a Stable Fusion Reaction Model

  • 1.0 Introduce the complexity/counter-complexity quantum energy mapping model. Status - Complete
  • 1.1 Incorporate experimental data of dual slit experiment. Status - Complete
  • 1.2 Release Perfect Quantum Simulator program on market for commercialization. Status - Complete
  • 1.3 Incorporate tidal disruption event data into model. Status - In Progress
  • 2.0 Build off previous work, introduce metric tensor components into a Rabi model's interaction term. Status - Complete
  • 2.1 Update commercial product to model effects of metric tensor components on quantum systems in perfect system. Status - To Do
  • 2.2 Using our contributions to the Langlands program, create a classic defense against quantum intrusion algorithm. Status - In Progress
  • 2.3 Build off accumulated works, create new algorithm for IBM quantum computer using expectation values to measure effects of gravity on system. Status - In Progress
  • 3.0 Using previous work, incorporate dark matter into model as a state of matter as determined by the expression of g_33 metric tensor component. Status - Concept
  • 3.1 Update commercial product to incorporate the modeling of dark matter interactions. Status - Concept
  • 3.2 Design experimental algorithm to express qubit in dark matter state in a Rabi model and use expectation values of measurements to detect the effect dark matter has on experimental results. Status - Concept
  • 4.0 Update complexity/counter-complexity quantum energy mapping model to include remaining forces. Status - Concept
  • 4.1 Update commercial product to include all four forces and dark matter. Status - Concept
  • 4.2 Use product to model sustainable fusion reaction using all four forces and dark matter. Status - Concept
  • 4.3 End of research phase, beginning of development phase of new modular scalable fusion reactor. Status - Concept